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Technological advancements have led to the introduction of many new courses. Courses in certain domains are always very popular. Management courses are one of them and the demand for these courses have never waned and this is because students feel that this course equips them with relevant skills and they could also get great employment opportunities.

Who Can Take Up This Course?

Graduates from any stream and from recognised universities can take up this course. They should have scored a minimum of 50% in the qualifying examinations and they should also clear the entrance exams and interviews. Students seeking admission to the course should also have work experience. Clearing the competitive entrance exams is indeed a proud achievement for students as the exams are really difficult.

Management Course-Why It Is Preferred?

Management courses are always on demand because new specializations are added to the existing ones based on the demands of the industry. These fields are very lucrative and students prefer to do such courses. Another advantage is that students from any stream can find the course and specialization interesting and the job opportunities are the best compared to other courses. Some of the specializations are HR, finance, financial markets, fintech, retail management, operations management, banking, IT, hospital management, tourism, etc.

Choose Wisely!

Many specializations are offered but not all carry the same weightage. Some specializations are very popular and pg in hr is one of them. Managing people is one of the difficult tasks assigned to management professionals. HR professionals are recruited to recruit and train talent. They also serve as a bridge between employers and employees and they formulate policies for the welfare of employees. Labour disputes are handled by them and they are approached both by the employers and employees.

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Advantages Of The Course!

Most courses are technology oriented and this is one specialization in which decisions are made using human intuition. The training is provided to meet the challenging workforce of the day but professionals need to be empathetic too. They should have a patient ear and students who have good communication and analytical skills will perform well in this field. HR through pg provides adequate training to handle challenging situations and they also learn about business ethics and labour laws.

The Curriculum!

Some of the core subjects are management and organizational behaviour, economics for managers, financial accounting, macroeconomics, organizational development, production and operations management, cost and management accounting, business law, industrial relations, international business and global HRM, etc.

Skills Development!

These professionals interact with all departments of an organization and they need to be good at written and spoken communication. So, the course focusses on communication skills, decision making skills, leadership, negotiation skills, etc. A management graduate without these skills will become inefficient and these are very essential for a successful manager.


These professionals have many job options to choose from. They are recruited first by companies as companies cannot do away with HR department. They are hired as HR specialists, talent acquisition managers, HR operations managers, HR directors, etc. They get an average salary of about 7-8 lakhs per annum initially.

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