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What Makes Uttapam A Perfect Breakfast Delight?

Everybody dreams of having a tasty breakfast. As it is the most essential meal of the day, it must be healthy as well. One must avoid overeating, but needs to focus that the food being taken helps in maintaining a healthy body weight. Why not go with uttapam preparation?

Uttapam Preparation is Not that Tough

Uttapam Recipe | Image Resource :

Prepared using a combination of rice powder along with seasonable vegetables, it is one of the hot favorite dish among all. This healthy dish can help in triggering weight loss to a high extent. It will make your stomach feel considerably full.

Uttapam is served with coconut chutney and sambar. If you are preparing it for the very first time, relax. Need not panic! It is an easy to prepare dish. Uttapam recipe is made by fermenting the batter.

Lentils along with rice powder are subsequently grounded separately followed by fermenting. If you are in a hurry, better skip this step. The crispy outer layer of the Uttapam is crispy whereas the inner layer is soft and spongy.

Various Types of Uttapam Recipes

Better serve it hot to enjoy the foodie enjoy the mouthwatering taste of this exclusively prepared dish. Apart from breakfast, uttapam can be enjoyed as box-in tiffin by small children.
There are variable types of uttapam. Though the procedure remains almost the same, the taste may vary a bit due to little bit difference in the making. Some of the most unusual types of uttapam recipe are:

  • Gluten free uttapam
  • Uttapam sandwich
  • Finger millet uttapam
  • Ginger uttapam
  • Paneeruttapam
  • Pohauttapam
  • Bread uttapam and many more.

Cooking is all about giving a new shape to your innovative ideas. The more creative you are, tastier will be your dish.

Uttapam is the only dish that can be enjoyed in almost every season. If you want to lure taste buds of your guests but not getting what to provide them, then uttapam will be the right choice.

UttapamVs. Pizza – How?

Today’s children are almost surrounded by junk food items. As a result, they are getting fatigue and suffering from numerous health issues. But children want something tasty simiar to pizzas.

In such a situation, vegetable uttapam recipe will be the right choice. Along with being a healthy snack it has been considered to be a healthy variant of pizza. Though prepared with rice and lentis, it tastes much better than pizza. In short, uttapam can be a great option for people desirous to move towards a healthy food.

Maintaining the Consistency of the Batter is Important

Uttapam preparation is a small piece of cake. But, if you want to prepare a mouthwatering uttapam dish, then better ensure to maintain the consistency of the batter. For better results, make sure that it is neither too watery nor too tight. It must be medium for better outcomes.

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